type of services

Individual sessions
Couples and other forms of bonding
Support groups
Workshops and talks
Intake : the intake session(s) are meant get to know you, what is the complaint and decide together the objective and the plan for the sessions. It is usually covered in 1 or 2 sessions.
Sessions : we will be meeting in principle once per week or twice per month, depending on your need and possibilities. Working once per month is not recommendable as the process can resent it. We can work long or short term.
Evaluation : we will evaluate the work along the process, however, by the end of the therapeutic process we will review it together before we end the sessions.
Last session : we will assess together the progress, the areas that remain covered and uncovered and decide together how we want to proceed in the future.
In the Netherlands, certain therapies can be reimbursed by health insurers. For psychologists, these treatments are those related to clinical specializations (GGZ or BIG).
I have a psychosocial approach to mental health ; thus, I do not offer diagnosis. This is a conscious choice because working in a contracted way imposes certain requirements, which in my professional area of intervention decreases the quality of the service.
You do not need a diagnosis or fit certain requirements to start working on your mental health.
There is not a maximum of sessions as the protocols of reimbursed treatments demand, so we can work together as long as needed and based on your own need.
You can pause/finish your psychological treatment and restarted it again when there is a new need for it, without having to go through the whole procedure.
As there is not an initial fixed treatment, there is more space to include other techniques along the way and change the focus of the work we do during the process together.
Usually, as we progress with the sessions, some problems might unveil and might need our attention. This is sometimes difficult in protocolize treatments, since we has to stick to the initial plan.
The waiting list is way shorter and the procedure more accessible since it can follow your own path, so the therapeutic process results more caring and humanized.
I do not offer diagnosis : for instance, gender dysphoria or depression. So, it means that my reports cannot be used to demand medical treatments or a sick leave, for instance. Those requirements always demand an official diagnosis.
It is a private service, so the cost of the sessions are not reimbursed.
You can change or cancel your session up to 24 hours before our appointment, otherwise the session will be fully charge unless of an emergency.
If your country of residence is different from mine, a rate adjustment will be applied that adapts to both locations so as not to generate unfair competition.
Price for The Netherlands
Individual sessions: 80€
Couple's session :
- 90 min consultation: 140€ (btw.incl)
- 60 min consultation: 120€ (btw.incl)
Groups : depending on the project. You can email me to get more information.
Is your country of residence not Holland? Get in touch with me and we'll see how todjust he rates.